"Name" combined with "Nicomachus" By Hank Chiuppi ARCADIAN 2 no. 8 (June 23, 1980): 72. This program is based on two games: "Name" and "Nicomachus." These were both published in Creative Computing's 1978's "BASIC Computer Games" by David Ahl. Each of these two programs were "combined" to come up with this "new" game. This Bally Arcade/Astrocade version doesn't have any documentation in the "Arcadian" newsletter, so the original documentation for the two games has been included: "Name:" NAME is a silly little ice-breaker to get a relationship going between a computer and a shy human. The sorting algorithm used is highly inefficient, as any reader of Creative Computing will recognize, this is the worst possible sort for speed. But the program is good fun and that's what counts here. NAME was originally written by Geoffrey Chase of the Abbey, Portsmouth, Rhode Island. "Nicomachus:" One of the most ancient forms of arithmetical puzzle is sometimes referred to as a "boomerang." At some time, everyone has been asked to "think of a number," and after going through some process of private calculation, to state the result, after which the questioner promptly tells you the number you originally thought of. There are hundreds of varieties of the puzzle. The oldest recorded example appears to be that given in Arithmetica of Nicomachus, who died about the year 120. He tells you to think of any whole number between 1 and 100 and divide it successively by 3, 5, and 7, telling him the remainder in each case. On receiving this information, he promptly discloses the number you thought of. Can you discover a simple method of mentally performing this feat? If not, you can see how the ancient mathematician did it by looking at Lines 80-100 of the program.